Multiple stressors are affecting the Pacific Northwest (PNW) coastal ocean, including harmful algal blooms (HABs), ocean acidification, marine heatwaves, and hypoxia (low oxygen). While these conditions or events are tied to seasonal cycles such as upwelling periods and multiyear cycles such as El Niño/La Niña, they are becoming increasingly frequent and intense. Additionally, they can have devastating impacts on ecosystem health and human well-being, shutting down fisheries, stifling the local economy, threatening food security, and inhibiting cultural practices. For example, increasing ocean acidification has affected shellfish growers’ capability to secure reliable product. In 2015, a HAB associated with a marine heatwave shut down crab fisheries from Alaska to Baja for commercial and tribal fishers (McCabe et al., 2016), a closure so impactful that the US Congress included the Fishery Disaster Relief Program for Tribal Fisheries in the Budget Act of 2018. And, an unpredicted hypoxia event in 2015 resulted in the Quinault Indian Nation pulling up crab pots with dead crab. Regional projections indicate increases in warming, ocean acidification, and hypoxia by the end of the century (Siedlecki et al., 2021), so solutions are needed.
Multi-Stressor Observations and Modeling to Build Understanding of and Resilience to the Coastal Impacts of Climate Change
- Author(s): Jan Newton , Parker MacCready, Samantha Siedlecki, Dana Manalang, John Mickett, Simone Alin, Ervin "Joe" Schumacker, Jennifer Hagen, Stephanie Moore, Adrienne Sutton, Roxanne Carini
- Oceanography
- December 1, 2021
Citation: Newton, J., P. MacCready, S. Siedlecki, D. Manalang, J. Mickett, S. Alin, E. Schumacker, J. Hagen, S. Moore, A. Sutton, and R. Carini. 2021. Multi-stressor observations and modeling to build understanding of and resilience to the coastal impacts of climate change. Pp. 86–87 in Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4),