Ocean gliders are a quiet and efficient mobile autonomous platform for passive acoustic monitoring and oceanographic measurements in remote marine environments. During July 20—August 6 2012, we used a Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G2 glider equipped with a hydrophone logging system to record ocean sound along a 458 km north to south traverse of the outer continental shelf break along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast. Glider derived recordings yielded a unique perspective on the variation of ambient sound with depth, where natural wind generated surface processes were identified as a dominant acoustic contributor to spectral levels in the region. Near and far-field vessel radiated noise were also found to add significant energy to ambient conditions. Spatially distributed measurements of ambient sound levels recorded from the glider were consistent with long-term spectral estimates from fixed station, deep ocean hydrophone array measurements during the 1990–2000’s in the region. Ocean sound level measurements captured by a mobile glider are shown to be an effective and valuable asset for describing ocean surface wind conditions and characterizing spatial and temporal changes in the underwater acoustic environment over a broad regional scale.
Ocean sound levels in the northeast Pacific recorded from an autonomous underwater glider
- Author(s): Joseph H. Haxel, Haru Matsumoto, Christian Meinig, Gabriella Kalbach, T.-K. Lau, Robert P. Dziak, Scott Stalin
- PLOS One
- November 20, 2019
Citation: Haxel JH, Matsumoto H, Meinig C, Kalbach G, Lau T-K, Dziak RP, et al. (2019) Ocean sound levels in the northeast Pacific recorded from an autonomous underwater glider. PLoS ONE 14(11): e0225325. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225325