University of Southern California Sea Grant Program, California Sea Grant Program, and California Ocean Protection Council
This announcement invites the submission of brief, preliminary proposals from Principal Investigators (PI) at eligible organizations who wish to pursue research relating to the priority research topic areas identified below. Eligible proposing institutions are welcome to propose research lasting up to three years in duration, and requesting a total budget from $80,000 to $250,000 (sum of total direct costs plus 25% indirect costs). Applicants must submit a pre-proposal by March 15, 2018, to one of the Sea Grant programs, depending on the focus area and priority research topic(s) that the proposed research addresses. For more information visit the [EasyDNNnewsLink|86]
California Ocean Protection Council has identified six broad focus areas that include all the priority research topic areas identified in this call. They are:
- Marine renewable energy
- Ocean acidification and hypoxia, and other changes in ocean conditions from a changing climate
- Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- Sea-level rise adaptation and coastal resilience
- Coastal sediment management
- Marine pollution