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May 4, 2017 OAP staff will be participating in an upcoming principle investigators meeting exploring the “Interactions between ocean acidification and eutrophication in estuaries: modeling opportunities and limitations.”
...MAY 3, 2017 Chá bă one of the buoys that monitors ocean acidification in waters along US coasts was redeployed and will be taking carbon dioxide and pH measurements every 3 hours to better understand ocean acidification in Washington state waters.
...April 28, 2017 OAR OAP Deputy Director participated at the AMAP/EU-PolarNet Stakeholder Workshop on Research Needs on Climate-related Effects on the Arctic Cryosphere and Adaptation Options, Reston, VA. This international stakeholder workshop was held in association with the AMAP-organized International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action.
...United Nations Development Programme In the Sustainable Development Goals, the world has set forth a bold new vision for global development and committed to achieving it by the year 2030. SDG 14 calls for us to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”...