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April 5, 2017, Bay Conference Center at the Romberg Tiburon Centre, Tiburon, CA The West Coast of the U.S. sits at the forefront of addressing impacts of OA, due to local oceanography and recent, catastrophic failures at oyster hatcheries over the past decade. Research along the West Coast has brought...
NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Ocean acidification is spreading rapidly in the western Arctic Ocean in both area and depth, potentially affecting shellfish, other marine species in the food web, and communities that depend on these resources, according to new research published in Nature Climate Change by NOAA, Chinese marine...
Andy Pershing, Gulf of Maine Research Institute & Fred Lipschultz, US Global Change Research Program Join us for a webinar on Monday, March 20th to provide feedback on the 4th National Climate Assessment!Time: 3:00pm EST (12:00pm PST)Presented by: Andy Pershing, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Chapter Lead AuthoFred Lipschultz, US Global Change Research Program, USGCRP Chapter ContactRegister: The...
Ocean Action Hub, United Nations The discussion is taking place during the preparatory process for The Ocean Conference in order to engage stakeholders in assessing the challenges and opportunities related to delivering on implementation of SDG14.3 aimed at minimizing and addressing the impacts of ocean acidification. The discussion runs...
MIT Sea Grant MIT Sea Grant has selected three research projects for funding from our annual request for proposals. The projects focus on developing new ocean acidification sensor technology and using modeling techniques to consolidate historical data to inform future coastal ocean acidification monitoring.
...NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) The primary objective of IOOS’ Ocean Technology Transition Project (OTT) is to reduce the Research to Operations transition period for ocean observing, product development, and data management technologies for the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes. The term ‘Technologies’ includes: ocean, coastal, and Great...