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- Andrew L. King, Bethany D. Jenkins, Joselynn R. Wallace, Yuan Liu, Gary H. Wikfors, Lisa M. Milke, Shannon L. Meseck
- Marine Ecology Progress Series
- October 14, 2015
Citation: King AL, Jenkins BD, Wallace JR, Liu Y, Wikfors GH, Milke LM, Meseck SL (2015) Effects of CO2 on growth rate, C:N:P, and fatty acid composition of seven marine phytoplankton species. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 537:59-69.
- Joseph Salisbury , Douglas Vandemark , Bror Jönsson , William Balch , Sumit Chakraborty, Steven Lohrenz, Bertrand Chapron , Burke Hales, Antonio Mannino, Jeremy T. Mathis , Nicolas Reul , Sergio R. Signorini , Rik Wanninkhof, Kimberly K. Yates
- Oceanography
- October 2, 2015
Citation: Salisbury, J., D. Vandemark, B. Jönsson, W. Balch, S. Chakraborty, S. Lohrenz, B. Chapron, B. Hales, A. Mannino, J.T. Mathis, N. Reul, S.R. Signorini, R. Wanninkhof, and K.K. Yates. 2015. How can present and future satellite missions support scientific studies that address ocean acidification? Oceanography 28(2):108–121,
- Alan Barton , George G. Waldbusser, Richard A. Feely , Stephen B. Weisberg, Jan A. Newton , Burke Hales, Sue Cudd, Benoit Eudeline , Chris J. Langdon , Ian Jefferds , Teri King , Andy Suhrbier, Karen McLaughlin
- Oceanography
- October 2, 2015
Citation: Barton, A., Waldbusser, G. G., Feely, R. A., Weisberg, S. B., Newton, J. A., Hales, B., Cudd, S., Eudeline, B., Langdon, C. J., Jefferds, I., King, T., Suhrbier, A., & McLaughlin, K. (2015). Impacts of Coastal Acidification on the Pacific Northwest Shellfish Industry and Adaptation Strategies Implemented in Response. Oceanography, 28(2), 146-159.
- Simone R. Alin , Russell E. Brainard , Nichole N. Price, Jan A. Newton, Anne Cohen, William T. Peterson, Eric H. DeCarlo, Elizabeth H. Shadwick, Scott Noakes, Nina Bednaršek
- Oceanography
- October 2, 2015
Citation: Alin, S.R., R.E. Brainard, N.N. Price, J.A. Newton, A. Cohen, W.T. Peterson, E.H. DeCarlo, E.H. Shadwick, S. Noakes, and N. Bednaršek. 2015. Characterizing the natural system: Toward sustained, integrated coastal ocean acidification observing networks to facilitate resource management and decision support. Oceanography 28(2):92–107,
- Kimberly K. Yates, Carol Turley, Brian M. Hopkinson, Anne E. Todgham, Jessica N. Cross , Holly Greening, Phillip Williamson, Ruben Van Hooidonk , Dimitri D. Deheyn, Zackary Johnson
- Oceanography
- October 2, 2015
Citation: Yates, K.K., C. Turley, B.M. Hopkinson, A.E. Todgham, J.N. Cross, H. Greening, P. Williamson, R. Van Hooidonk, D.D. Deheyn, and Z. Johnson. 2015. Transdisciplinary science: A path to understanding the interactions among ocean acidification, ecosystems, and society. Oceanography 28(2):212–225,
- Alexandria B. Boehm , Mark Z. Jacobson, Michael J. O’Donnell , Martha Sutula, W. Waldo Wakefield , Stephen B. Weisberg, Elizabeth Whiteman
- Oceanography
- October 2, 2015
Citation: Boehm, A.B., M.Z. Jacobson, M.J. O’Donnell, M. Sutula, W.W. Wakefield, S.B. Weisberg, and E. Whiteman. 2015. Ocean acidification science needs for natural resource managers of the North American west coast. Oceanography 28(2):170–181,