Assessment Presents Community Vulnerabilities to Acidification and Research Recommendations
The Ocean Chemistry Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessment, written by the Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification responds to the Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act of 2020. The report is national in scope and describes social vulnerability to ocean acidification across seven regions. The report describes the communities and industries in each region that are reliant on marine species expected to be impacted by ocean acidification, as well as organizations that may support them in adapting to acidification. The report also points to monitoring and research gaps that need to be addressed for communities to better understand how acidification varies in their region and how species of interest will be impacted. Many stakeholders and researchers contributed input to this report, including the Coastal Acidification Networks.
- Aquaculture industry, commercial and recreational fishing communities, Tribes, and subsistence fishers feature prominently in the report.
- Recommendations for further social science research include: collecting and synthesizing additional socioeconomic data; developing social indicators relevant to acidification; and considering acidification in the context of other social stressors.
- Common recommendations for improving monitoring include: increasing paired chemical and biological observations, monitoring in estuaries, and monitoring in subsurface and benthic surfaces, especially those that provide habitat to valuable species.