The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification released the second Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification, in response to the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act. Similar to the first released in 2014, the plan contains objectives and action items organized around seven thematic areas: (1) research; (2) monitoring; (3) modeling; (4) technology development; (5) socioeconomic impacts; (6) education, outreach, and engagement strategies; and (7) data management and integration. Each action item designates which agencies are best able to support its implementation. This plan will guide federal investments to ocean acidification research, monitoring, and outreach activities.

Call for Nominations: OA Advisory Board Membership
The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification (IWG-OA) is seeking nominations for membership on the newly established Ocean Acidification Advisory Board (OAAB).