We engage our community to create productive partnerships to support ecosystems and communities.

The Ocean Acidification Program forges partnerships across the scientific community and communities impacted by ocean acidification to meet our common mission. Read more about our involvement or jump to a section with the links below: 

Engage with Us

The NOAA Ocean Acidification Working Group facilitates coordination among NOAA programs and partners.

The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program exists to meet the ocean acidification research and monitoring needs of the United States. However,  coordinating closely with entities both within and outside NOAA increases efficiency and effectiveness. Within NOAA, the NOAA Ocean Acidification Working Group (NOAWG) facilitates these close working relationships.

Partners News

Read about our latest collaborative activities and accomplishments. 

IWGOA Webinar-Acidification & Estuaries: State of the Science
OA News

IWG-OA Webinar – Acidification & Estuaries: State of the Science

The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification is hosting the second webinar in the Acidification & Estuaries Webinar Series on October 23, 2024 at 2:00pm ET. This webinar will give an overview of the state of the science related to acidification in estuaries and discuss remaining research gaps. Speakers will discuss the causes of acidification,

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Communities of Practice

Coastal Acidification Networks

OAP works closely with coastal on-the-ground networks to build scientific capacity and develop regionally relevant responses to ocean and coastal acidification.
Photo Credit: Susan McLean

Click a logo below for details of each Coastal Acidification Partner.

Join a regional CAN to connect with other ocean users and take the opportunity to get involved with ocean acidification solutions.

Coastal Acidification Networks (CANs) are regional networks of diverse ocean users interested in addressing ocean and coastal acidification in the United States. CANs play a critical role in supporting regional monitoring, community engagement, and capacity building and sharing on topics relevant to ocean and coastal acidification, including adaptation and mitigation strategies and state action planning. 

The CANs work at the intersection of science, policy, industry, and education and outreach. They bring together researchers, industry, state agencies, educators and others to leverage expertise and collectively address common challenges and develop locally relevant adaptive strategies to ocean acidification. The CANs are embedded in the regional associations of Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) and Regional Ocean Partnerships and operate with funding support from NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program as well as other state and federal grants.

For more information on how you can get involved contact Alexandra Puritz (alexandra.puritz@noaa.gov).

Our federal partners in ocean acidification research meet officially through the IWG-OA, which NOAA chairs.

The Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act (FOARAM), called for the Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology to establish an Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification (IWG-OA). The IWG-OA advises and assists the Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology on matters related to ocean acidification, including coordination of Federal activities on ocean acidification and other interagency activities as outlined in FOARAM. These agencies have come together to provide a thoughtful, strategic approach to understand and address the rapidly emerging problem of ocean acidification. 

Read More about the IWGOA >

The Ocean Acidification Information Exchange

Ocean and coastal acidification are working together by joining the Ocean Acidification Information Exchange, an online community that connects members from different regions and disciplines.

The site’s goal is to foster collaboration and make it easy to learn from each others’ diverse experiences, which is why the platform is both a discussion forum and a repository for information. Members post questions, updates, documents, videos, photos, links, and events, and tag posts with topic keywords to streamline searching. Ocean Acidification Information Exchange (OAIE) members can join teams that align with their interests and engage not only with the entire community, but also with smaller groups of peers. There are currently sixteen individual teams set up around topics such as “Policy and Resource Management” and “Local Action,” along with regions such as the Southeast, Pacific Islands, and California Current.

The OAIE encourages scientists, educators, students, members of the aquaculture and fishing industry, non-profit and government employees, managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens to request an account and join the conversation.

DFO-NOAA OA Collaboration

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and NOAA have developed a framework to enhance cooperation on ocean mangement and complementary research on oceans and climate change, including the impacts of climate change on oceans and marine ecosystems.

The DFO-NOAA OA Collaboration Framework identifies key areas where the two agencies can work together for the benefit of expanding and refining the broad ranges of research, monitoring, and modelling efforts relevant to improving understanding of OA within Canada and the United States.

Results will be used to enhance ocean reporting processes, inform fisheries management of the state and extent of ocean acidification, and further develop adaptation tools to inform decisions related to fisheries and oceans management.

For more information contact Alexandra Puritz (alexandra.puritz@noaa.gov).

Our Global Network

The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON)

The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) works toward coordinating ocean acidification monitoring globally.

Our Partners

Cooperative Institutes
Modeling & Forecasting

Coastal State Governments, Regional Networks, Industries & NGOs

The OAP works closely with coastal state governments, on-the-ground networks, industries, and NGOs to develop their responses to ocean acidification