Science ↔ Society: Equilibrating Our Understanding of Ocean Acidification

Pteropods as Indicators of Global Change: From Research to Education
The shelled pteropods in the genus Limacina have been identified as an indicator species for monitoring the advancement of ocean acidification throughout the world’s oceans. This is primarily due to the sensitive nature of pteropod shells to changes in the pH of the ocean. In this presentation we will focus

Visualizing Change: New Tools for Educators
Presented by: John Anderson, Director of Education, New England Aquarium
Primary audience: Informal educators and communicators
Date/Time:Wednesday, December 14th, 2016, 3:30pm ET

Telling the Ocean Acidification Story
Presented by: Tullio Rossi, Marine scientist and communicator
Primary audience: Informal educators and communicators
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 25th, 2016, 7:30pm ET
Our Ocean In A High CO2 world: The latest in science and communication
Presenters: Dwight Gledhill & Libby Jewett, NOAA Ocean Acidification Program & Sarah-Mae Nelson, Climate Interpreter
Primary audience: Informal educators, stakeholders
Date/time: Friday , May 6th, 6pm ET (3pm PT)

Blue Carbon: The Climate Mitigation Opportunity You’ve Never Heard Of
Presenter: Ariana Sutton-Grier, NOAA National Ocean Service
Primary audience: Informal educators, Stakeholders
Date/time: Monday, April 25th, 3pm ET (12pm PT)

Exploring Ocean Acidification Through Media With EarthEcho Expeditions: Shell Shocked
Presenter: Stacey Rafalowski, EarthEcho International
Primary audience: Informal and formal educators
Date/time: Tuesday, March 22nd, 3pm ET (12pm PT)

Exploring Deep Sea Coral Communities of West Coast National Marine Sanctuaires and Understanding Threats Such as Ocean Acidification
Presenter: Rietta Hohman, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
Primary audience: Informal and formal educators
Date/time: Thursday, October 22nd, 6pm ET (3pm PT)

Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary NGSS and Common Core aligned Middle School Ocean Acidification Curriculum
Presenters: Sarah Raskin & Doug DuBois, Oxnard Unified School District
Primary audience: Formal educators
Date/time: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015, 6pm ET (3pm PT)

Simple ocean acidification demos you can do (almost) anywhere with (almost) no budget
Presenter: Meg Chadsey, Washington State Sea Grant
Primary audience: Informal and formal educators
Date/time: Thursday May 28th, 2015, 3pm EDT (12pm PDT)