The Coastal Acidification Networks (CANs) collectively submitted a Commitment to the international Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS) Programme in May 2024. OARS, a UN Ocean Decade supported program, is dedicated to minimizing and addressing the impacts of ocean acidification through enhanced cooperation at all levels and is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal Target 14.3. OARS maintains seven Outcomes toward addressing ocean acidification. Also, OARS published White Papers that highlight key outputs and products and identify necessary inputs and partners to successfully implement each Outcome. By submitting an OARS commitment, the CANs aid a better understanding of global ocean acidification initiatives and actions underway worldwide. Furthermore, this commitment promotes the CANs work and fosters knowledge exchange and collaboration.
The CANs commit to specific regional actions that meet the OARS Outcomes.
- Work with scientists, industry, and communities to identify knowledge gaps and information needs. Additionally, facilitate two-way exchange of information between those collecting data and those needing information.
- Provide data and tools for decision making through the creation of high-quality information products at local, regional, and national levels.
- Synthesize and interpret the state of the science.
- Recommend regional priorities for monitoring and research, as well as sharing best practices for monitoring.
- Support workforce development initiatives through mentoring early career professionals and working with communities.