Uwe Send, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Why we care
The California Current Ecosystem forms the dominant spawning habitat for most of the biomass of small pelagic fishes in the entire California Current System (CCE), plays a significant role in the ocean carbon budget for the west coast and supports important communities of marine invertebrates and fishes. This project deploys two moorings in the southern CCE experiencing different oceanographic conditions to inform research and management.
What we will do
This project will deploy two interdisciplinary moorings (CCE1 and CCE2) in the southern California Current System, a key coastal upwelling ecosystem along the west coast of North America in close proximity to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. The offshore CCE1 mooring is located in the core flow of the California Current itself, and represents a key source of horizontal transport of nutrients, dissolved gases, and organisms from higher latitudes. It also represents the offshore atmosphere-ocean gas exchange that occurs over a large area and influences the carbon budget of this Eastern Boundary Current. The CCE2 mooring is located near Pt. Conception, one of the major upwelling centers off the west coast. This is a site of strong, episodic upwelling events that lead to marked increases in pCO2, declines in pH and dissolved oxygen, and intrusion of waters unfavorable to precipitation of calcium carbonate by some shell-bearing marine organisms. The proposed work will regularly deploy and service taut line, bottom-anchored moorings at the two mooring sites, with sensors designed to measure all core carbonate system variables specified by the PMEL OA Monitoring Network. The data will be validated with shipboard measurements and rigorous QC procedures, and made freely available via Iridium satellite telemetry. Complementary measurements made by partners in this region include Spray glider-based assessments of calcium carbonate saturation state, CalCOFI shipboard hydrographic and plankton food web measurements, process studies conducted by the CCE-LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) site, and a new experimental Ocean Acidification facility.
Benefits of our work
This project increases our monitoring capacity to inform modeling and management in the southern California Current Ecosystem. Two new moorings will measure ocean conditions and ocean chemistry in critical areas with different oceanographic drivers.
Uwe Send, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Mark D. Ohman, Scripps Institution of Oceanography