The DFO-NOAA OA Collaboration is pleased to announce its FY25 funding announcement in support of early career scientists promoting bilateral research. The goals of this broader collaboration are to enhance scientific exchange and knowledge mobilization related to the impacts of OA on shared marine resources, share and develop consistent research methodologies related to the effects, monitoring, and mitigation of OA, and identify opportunities for collaborative synergies between Canada and the United States while encouraging support of early career scientists (ECS). The collaboration comprises two Working Groups: Ocean Monitoring & Modeling and Research, Experimentation & Modeling.
In order to apply, the project team must be bilateral and have at least one Working Group sponsor/collaborator. Awards may be up to $20,000 USD/CAD. Applications are due January 17, 2025. See the RFP for additional details on eligibility, a proposal template, and a list of Working Group members. Please reach out to Alexandra Puritz ( for any questions.
Find the full announcement including forms and contacts to apply here.