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Dr. Kris Holderied, NOAA Kasitsna Bay Laboratory, Coastal discusses how marine species, fisheries, subsistence harvests and mariculture operations in Alaska have long been adversely affected by harmful algal blooms (HABs), especially paralytic shellfish poisoning events, with events increasing during recent marine heat waves. Alaska shellfish and fish species, and the...
Melissa McCutcheon of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, discusses the current understanding of the response of several common HAB species to elevated CO 2 concentrations. While certain environmental conditions—such as nutrient pollution and warming waters—have been closely tied to the proliferation of some HAB species, there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the...
Dr. Reagan Errera, of NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory presents a general overview of the current state of knowledge and provide an update on current acidification research activities at NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Currently, little research has been conducted on inorganic carbon availability, acidification, and their role in phytoplankton...
Dr. Beth Stauffer, University of Lousiana at Lafayette, discusses how ocean acidification (OA) in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is driven by different physical and biogeochemical factors across the region, with most data available on the eastern and northern regions and very little information from the western or southern parts...
Drs. Samantha Siedlecki, Clarissa Anderson, Jan Newton and Barb Kirkpatrick discuss how corrosive, hypoxic, and harmful algal bloom (HAB) events in coastal waters are of increasing concern to local fisheries and managers. Many important species around the country in coastal waters are currently experiencing or are expected to feel effects of...
Hans Paerl of University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill discusses how estuaries receive and process nutrient loads generated in coastal watersheds and often exhibit accelerated rates of primary production (eutrophication), phytoplankton blooms, hypoxia and associated water quality and habitat declines. As such, they are highly dynamic with respect CO2 fixation...