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Washington Sea Grant (WSG) requests proposals for one- to-two-year projects from investigators at academic, research and education institutions throughout the state of Washington. Funded projects will contribute to WSG and state priority information needs by advancing knowledge in one of four focus areas: healthy coastal ecosystems; sustainable fisheries and aquaculture;...
Schmidt Ocean Institute Schmidt Ocean Institute invites Expressions of Interest in: Further details and submission guidelines are available here.Submissions will be accepted through December 28, 2018, via email or the online submission form. Should you have any questions about the SOI Expression of Interest proposal guidelines, criteria, or process, kindly email your...
This competitive program provides funding via grants or cooperative agreements to institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, and local and Indian tribal government agencies to support coral reef conservation projects in the United States, as authorized under the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. §§ 6401-6409).<br...
Are you looking for ways to teach about ocean acidification? Sorting through the 90+ teaching resources on ocean acidification developed over the past 10 years can be overwhelming. In this webinar, we: (1) summarized key findings from our review of existing teaching resources, pointing out our favorite dozen and highlighting...
The NOAA/OAR/Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) is soliciting proposals for studies investigating ocean acidification monitoring strategies that would offer an observing system design that best characterizes and tracks ocean acidification within U.S. Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) optimized towards characterizing the conditions most relevant to ecologically and economically important marine species. Letters...
Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure (Mid-scale RI) is an NSF-wide Big Idea designed to address the research community's growing needs for contemporary research infrastructure to support the advancement of science and engineering research, as well as science, technology, engineering and mathematics education research....