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Marine Resources Advisory Council The Washington state governor’s appointed board, the Marine Resources Advisory Council, released its first update in five years to the state’s coordinated response to ocean acidification. In the five years since the Blue Ribbon Panel’s report, there have been significant scientific advances and progress made on...
Climate Program Office NOAA’s Climate Program Office (CPO) supports competitive research through five major Programs: Climate Observations and Monitoring (COM); Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbon Cycle, and Climate (AC4); Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP); Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP); and Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI). CPO is currently soliciting proposals for...
Tiffany Grunzel, University of Washington Communications Leadership Program Ocean acidification could have deep impacts for salmon in the Puget Sound. Tiffany Grunzel from the University of Washington Communications Leadership program, interviews Dr. Shallin Busch (NOAA), Dr. Chase Williams (UW), and Robert Purser Jr. (Susquamish Fisheries) about the direct and indirect...
National Sea Grant College Program Depending on appropriations, NOAA National Sea Grant College Program (NOAA Sea Grant) expects to have available a total of $7,000,000 to $11,500,000 across fiscal years 2018, 2019 and 2020 as part of the Sea Grant National Aquaculture Initiative (NAI). As part of the NAI, this...