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Arctic waters are rapidly changing. In the coming decades, these high-latitude waters will undergo significant shifts that could affect fish, shellfish, marine mammals, along with the livelihoods...
Oak Ridge Associated Universities/EPA A research opportunity is currently available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Research and Development (ORD)/National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL). This appointment will be served with the Atlantic Ecology Division (AED) in Narragansett, RI. The participant will research the ecological...
The Seattle Times Dungeness crab are forecast to take a hit from ocean acidification driven by fossil- fuel combustion, according to a study released this past week. Though the populations of the Dungeness crab fluctuate year by year, their overall abundance by 2063 could be about 30 percent lower, according...
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission has an open position for an oceanographer. This position will focus primarily on changing ocean conditions and associated impacts to species of interest, specifically as they relate to tribal ocean fishery resources. The species of interest include all marine species of...
Join us on the webinar during Day 1 of the OAP meeting in Seattle, WA. On Day 1 we will be showcasing how far the OAP has come since it began 5 years ago with a day focused on the findings of OAP-funded science.