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Ocean Acidification Program News

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APPLY FOR UP TO $500K IN FY2023 Sea Grant announces a new funding opportunity for collaborative projects that address priority research needs to enhance our understanding of and address impacts to the American lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, and southern New England. The program seeks applications...

COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE, GOA-ON HUB, AND COASTAL ACIDIFICATION NETWORK There is a significant need to strengthen capacity for research, monitoring, and adaptive solutions for ocean acidification resilience and associated multi-stressors in the Caribbean region. The Caribbean Ocean Acidification Community of Practice (CoP) endeavors to explore the impacts of ocean acidification...

On June 1st, 2022 Dr. Jason Hodin of the University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs presented the “Our Acidifying Ocean” program and an overview of related environmental curricular tools for both inside and outside the classroom. Our Acidifying Ocean provides a meaningful, accurate and interactive educational content for high school...

The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program on behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) solicits proposals focused on (a) expanding understanding of various aspects of marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR); (b) understanding associated co-benefits (including ocean acidification mitigation) and risks of marine CDR; and (c) the science needed to build...
NOAA invests $18.9M in a coordinated effort to maximize advances in harmful algal bloom (HAB) mitigation, monitoring and forecasting. Four of new research awards support ($1.5M) funded in partnership by NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) and NOAA’s Ocean Acidification program will determine interactive effects of HABs and ocean...
NOAA OAP convenes community meeting in San Diego, CA! Every three years, the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program convenes researchers, communicators and others in the OA community for a meeting to discuss and share the latest research and future needs and directions. We want your participation! Registration is free.