April 28th, 2018
OAR OAP Deputy Director participated at the AMAP/EU-PolarNet Stakeholder Workshop on Research Needs on Climate-related Effects on the Arctic Cryosphere and Adaptation Options, Reston, VA on April 28.2017. This international stakeholder workshop was held in association with the AMAP-organized International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action. Sessions at the conference reported on the findings of the AMAP Arctic cryosphere assessment Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA). The conference, together with the regional reports on Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic (AACA), formed the scientific basis for the discussion of research needs at this half-day stakeholder workshop. In addition to rapporteurs’ summaries of the conference highlights, workshop speakers stimulated discussions by thought-provoking presentations of key research issues in relation to both the need for further scientific understanding of the impacts of the rapidly changing climate on the Arctic cryosphere and the need for investigation of options for adaptation to these changes by Arctic communities and residents.