SOARCE Webinar
Presenters: Jan Newton & Amy Sprenger, Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS)
Primary Audience: Informal educators
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 24th 12pm PST (3pm EST)
Ocean acidification has the potential to fundamentally change the ocean, its habitats, food webs and marine life. In support of the shellfish industry, resource managers, researchers and citizens potentially affected by ocean acidification, the U.S. IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System), the Regional Associations of IOOS, and the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (NOAA OAP) are working to provide critical real time data of ocean water conditions related ocean acidification to anyone with an internet connection.
In this presentation we will share information about IOOS, and demonstrate how the Regional Associations of IOOS along the West Coast are working to meet the data and information needs of shellfish growers and others for monitoring for ocean acidification. We will demonstrate the new IOOS Pacific Region Ocean Acidification data portal and sharehow to access information and data related to ocean acidification.
The ability to monitor in real time parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, water level, wind speed and direction can provide an early warning system to shellfish growers about the approach of acidified seawater, helping the growers to take action to save crops. In addition, a robust ocean acidification monitoring program over time will provide necessary information to scientists and resource managers on the status and trends in ocean parameters related to OA, and thus aid decisions in light of ocean change.
About the Speakers:
Dr. Jan Newton is a Principal Oceanographer with the Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington (UW) and affiliate faculty with the UW School of Oceanography and the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, both in the UW College of the Environment.She is the Executive Director of the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS), the US IOOS Regional Association for the Pacific Northwest.
Jan is a biological oceanographer who studies the physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of Puget Sound and coastal Washington, including understanding effects from climate and humans on water properties. Currently she has been working with colleagues at UW and NOAA to assess the status of ocean acidification in our local waters. Newton served on the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification and was appointed as Co-Director of the new Washington Ocean Acidification Center at UW.
Amy Sprenger is Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS).