SOARCE Webinar
Presenters: Julie Hirsch & Eleanor Hines, Garden of the Salish Sea
Primary Audience: Formal and Informal Educators
Date/Time: Wednesday November 19th, 6pm EST (3pm PST)
Project website:
Our webinar will introduce teachers and educators to our program. We’ll give you our recipe for inspiring curiosity and connecting students to intertidal ecosystems through shellfish studies. From sample lessons to our OA lab series and field inquiry we hope you’ll see how students are motivated to become stewards. We’ll tour our website to show how you can use these resources to create meaningful context for ocean acidification concepts for elementary students.
Garden of the Salish Sea Curriculum is an environmental education and community outreach program inspired by interdisciplinary shellfish studies.
Our Mission: Empower stewardship in support of a healthy Salish Sea that can nourish us, by implementing a multi-faceted education and outreach program inspired by the wonders of shellfish, science and community.
Our program: GSSC is a supplemental K-8 curriculum that provides meaningful context to OA literacy curricula. Web-based lessons supported by classroom presentations, hands-on laboratories, local intertidal field experiences and scientific learning activities culminate in students’ commitment to practicing watershed healthy habits using a Salish SeaWatershed’s Challenge.
About the Speakers:
Julie Hirsch is an environmental scientist with more than 20 years water quality experience in northwest Washington. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biology at Western Washington University and a Master’s degree in Microbiology at Northern Arizona University. Julie managed water quality and education programs for the City of Bellingham before starting Hirsch Consulting Services, LLC. Since 1999, her efforts have focused on shellfish growing area recovery. Julie has partnered with the Puget Sound Restoration Fund 2001. In 2012, she began Garden of the Salish Sea Curriculum with grant funding from the Whatcom Community Foundation and the Alcoa Foundation. Julie sees shellfish studies as a means for empowering students to become leaders as stewards of their environment and as a vehicle for inspiring studies in science. Julie lives in Whatcom County Washington with her family.
Eleanor Hines has undergraduate and master degrees in environmental science from Western Washington University. She has been involved with several environmental non-profits, including serving as the volunteer chair of the Northwest Straits Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation for 8 years, monitoring coordinator at the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, risk assessment modeling consultant for the Institute of Natural Resources in South Africa, assistant to the North Sound Baykeeper Team at RE Sources for Sustainable Communities, and currently with Garden of the Salish Sea Curriculum. As an outdoor recreation enthusiast, her passion is to protect our special places outside for future enjoyment through both science and education.