Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission has an open position for an oceanographer. This position will focus primarily on changing ocean conditions and associated impacts to species of interest, specifically as they relate to tribal ocean fishery resources. The species of interest include all marine species of importance to the coastal tribes that includes, but not limited to the following: flatfish, rockfish, halibut, groundfish (e.g., sablefish, lingcod and Pacific whiting), and forage fish (e.g., sardine and smelt) as well as the base of food web that these species depend upon. The incumbent will work under the direction of the coastal tribe’s fishery managers and their pertinent technical staff to support their marine science needs. This position will participate within international, federal, state and inter-tribal forums as well as scientific collaboratives as requested by the coastal tribes to observe, analyze, and report on the impacts of changing ocean condition related to treaty resources and ocean fishery management. This position will keep the coastal tribes informed on the current state of knowledge with changing ocean conditions and work with technical staff and partner researchers to conduct novel research in understanding how changing ocean conditions will impact treaty resources. The position will apply for grant funding, write grant reports, and publish scientific literature that will benefit the interests and concerns of the coastal tribes.