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- Derek P. Manzello, Ian C. Enochs, Graham Kolodziej, Renée Carlton, Lauren Valentino
- Marine Biology
- May 8, 2018
Citation: Manzello, D.P., Enochs, I.C., Kolodziej, G. et al. Resilience in carbonate production despite three coral bleaching events in 5 years on an inshore patch reef in the Florida Keys. Mar Biol 165, 99 (2018).
- Philip M. Gravinese, Ian C. Enochs, Derek P. Manzello, Robert van Woesik
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
- May 1, 2018
Citation: Gravinese, P. M., Enochs, I. C., Manzello, D. P., & van Woesik, R. (2018). Warming and pCO2 effects on Florida stone crab larvae. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 204, 193-201.
- Brooke E. Gintert, Derek P. Manzello, Ian C. Enochs, Graham Kolodziej, Renée Carlton, Arthur C. R. Gleason ,Nuno Gracias
- Coral Reefs
- March 27, 2018
Citation: Gintert, B.E., Manzello, D.P., Enochs, I.C. et al. Marked annual coral bleaching resilience of an inshore patch reef in the Florida Keys: A nugget of hope, aberrance, or last man standing?. Coral Reefs 37, 533–547 (2018).
- Xiaohui Xie, Ming Li
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
- March 23, 2018
Citation: Xie, X., & Li, M. (2018). Effects of wind straining on estuarine stratification: A combined observational and modeling study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 2363-2380.
- Erik Olsen, Isaac C. Kaplan, Cameron Ainsworth, Gavin Fay, Sarah Gaichas, Robert Gamble, Raphael Girardin, Cecilie H. Eide, Thomas F. Ihde, Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna, Kelli F. Johnson, Marie Savina-Rolland, Howard Townsend, Mariska Weijerman, Elizabeth A. Fulton, Jason S. Link
- Frontiers in Marine Science
- February 28, 2018
Citation: Olsen, E., Kaplan, I. C., Ainsworth, C., Fay, G., Gaichas, S., Gamble, R., Girardin, R., Eide, C. H., Ihde, T. F., Morzaria-Luna, H. N., Johnson, K. F., Savina-Rolland, M., Townsend, H., Weijerman, M., Fulton, E. A., & Link, J. S. (2018). Ocean Futures Under Ocean Acidification, Marine Protection, and Changing Fishing Pressures Explored Using a Worldwide Suite of Ecosystem Models. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 64.
- Tyler Cyronak ,Andreas J. Andersson, Chris Langdon, Rebecca Albright, Nicholas R. Bates, Ken Caldeira, Renee Carlton, Jorge E. Corredor, Rob B. Dunbar, Ian Enochs, Jonathan Erez, Bradley D. Eyre, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Dwight Gledhill, Hajime Kayanne, David I. Kline, David A. Koweek, Coulson Lantz, Boaz Lazar, Derek Manzello, Ashly McMahon, Melissa Meléndez, Heather N. Page, Isaac R. Santos, Kai G. Schulz, Emily Shaw, Jacob Silverman, Atsushi Suzuki, Lida Teneva, Atsushi Watanabe, Shoji Yamamoto
- PLOS One
- January 9, 2018
Citation: Cyronak, T., Andersson, A. J., Langdon, C., Albright, R., Bates, N. R., Caldeira, K., Carlton, R., Corredor, J. E., Dunbar, R. B., Enochs, I., Erez, J., Eyre, B. D., Gattuso, J. P., Gledhill, D., Kayanne, H., Kline, D. I., Koweek, D. A., Lantz, C., Lazar, B., . . . Yamamoto, S. (2018). Taking the metabolic pulse of the world’s coral reefs [Journal Article]. PloS one, 13(1).