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- Mark C. Patsavas, Robert H. Byrne, Bo Yang, Regina A. Easley, Rik Wanninkhof, Xuewu Liu
- Marine Chemistry
- January 20, 2015
Citation: Patsavas, M. C., Byrne, R. H., Yang, B., Easley, R. A., Wanninkhof, R., & Liu, X. (2015). Procedures for direct spectrophotometric determination of carbonate ion concentrations: Measurements in US Gulf of Mexico and East Coast waters. Marine Chemistry, 168, 80-85.
- Jonathan C. P. Reum, Simone R. Alin, Chris J. Harvey, Nina Bednaršek, Wiley Evans, Richard A. Feely, Burke Hales, Noelle Lucey, Jeremy T. Mathis, Paul McElhany, Jan Newton, Christopher L. Sabine
- ICES Journal of Marine Science
- January 7, 2015
Citation: Jonathan C. P. Reum, Simone R. Alin, Chris J. Harvey, Nina Bednaršek, Wiley Evans, Richard A. Feely, Burke Hales, Noelle Lucey, Jeremy T. Mathis, Paul McElhany, Jan Newton, Christopher L. Sabine, Interpretation and design of ocean acidification experiments in upwelling systems in the context of carbonate chemistry co-variation with temperature and oxygen, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 73, Issue 3, February/March 2016, Pages 582–595,
- Thomas M. DeCarlo, Anne L. Cohen, Hannah C. Barkley, Quinn Cobban, Charles Young, Kathryn E. Shamberger, Russell E. Brainard, Yimnang Golbuu
- Geology
- January 1, 2015
Citation: DeCarlo, T. M., Cohen, A. L., Barkley, H. C., Cobban, Q., Young, C., Shamberger, K. E., Brainard, R. E., & Golbuu, Y. (2015). Coral macrobioerosion is accelerated by ocean acidification and nutrients. Geology, 43(1), 7-10.
- L.C. Frisch, J.T. Mathis, N.P. Kettle, S.F. Trainor
- Marine Policy
- December 19, 2014
Citation: Frisch, L. C., Mathis, J. T., Kettle, N. P., & Trainor, S. F. (2015). Gauging perceptions of ocean acidification in Alaska. Marine Policy, 53, 101-110.
- Derek P. Manzello, Ian C. Enochs, Andrew Bruckner, Philip G. Renaud, Graham Kolodziej, David A. Budd, Renée Carlton, Peter W. Glynn
- Geophysical Research Letters
- December 11, 2014
Citation: Manzello, D. P., Enochs, I. C., Bruckner, A., Renaud, P. G., Kolodziej, G., Budd, D. A., Carlton, R., & Glynn, P. W. (2014). Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(24), 9001-9008.
- Nina Bednaršek, Geraint A. Tarling, Dorothee C. E. Bakker, Sophie Fielding, Richard A. Feely
- PLOS One
- October 6, 2014
Citation: Bednaršek N, Tarling GA, Bakker DCE, Fielding S, Feely RA (2014) Dissolution Dominating Calcification Process in Polar Pteropods Close to the Point of Aragonite Undersaturation. PLoS ONE 9(10): e109183.