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Biological Response

Expanding evaluation of ocean acidification responses in a marine gadid: elevated CO<sub>2</sub> impacts development, but not size of larval walleye pollock

Responses of marine populations to climate conditions reflect the integration of a suite of complex and interrelated physiological and behavioral responses at the individual level. Many of these responses are not immediately reflected in changes to survival, but may impact growth or survival at later life stages. Understanding the broad range of impacts of rising […]

Expanding evaluation of ocean acidification responses in a marine gadid: elevated CO<sub>2</sub> impacts development, but not size of larval walleye pollock Read More »

The Combined Effects of Ocean Acidification and Respiration on Habitat Suitability for Marine Calcifiers Along the West Coast of North America

The combined effect of ocean acidification and respiration in the California Current Ecosystem is to reduce water column pH and aragonite saturation state, resulting in a compression of the overall size of suitable habitat for marine calcifiers. The addition of excess anthropogenic CO2 also makes it more likely that critical biological thresholds are crossed and shell

The Combined Effects of Ocean Acidification and Respiration on Habitat Suitability for Marine Calcifiers Along the West Coast of North America Read More »

Coral Reef Carbonate Chemistry Reveals Interannual, Seasonal, and Spatial Impacts on Ocean Acidification Off Florida

Ocean acidification (OA) threatens coral reef persistence by decreasing calcification and accelerating the dissolution of reef frameworks. The carbonate chemistry of coastal areas where many reefs exist is strongly influenced by the metabolic activity of the underlying benthic community, contributing to high spatiotemporal variability. While characterizing this variability is difficult, it has important implications for

Coral Reef Carbonate Chemistry Reveals Interannual, Seasonal, and Spatial Impacts on Ocean Acidification Off Florida Read More »

Restoration and coral adaptation delay, but do not prevent, climate-driven reef framework erosion of an inshore site in the Florida Keys

For reef framework to persist, calcium carbonate production by corals and other calcifiers needs to outpace loss due to physical, chemical, and biological erosion. This balance is both delicate and dynamic and is currently threatened by the effects of ocean warming and acidification. Although the protection and recovery of ecosystem functions are at the center

Restoration and coral adaptation delay, but do not prevent, climate-driven reef framework erosion of an inshore site in the Florida Keys Read More »

Direct, carryover, and maternal effects of ocean acidification on snow crab embryos and larvae

Ocean acidification, a decrease in ocean pH with increasing anthropogenic CO2 concentrations, is expected to affect many marine animals. To examine the effects of decreased pH on snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), a commercial species in Alaska, we reared ovigerous females in one of three treatments: Ambient pH (~8.1), pH 7.8, and pH 7.5, through two annual

Direct, carryover, and maternal effects of ocean acidification on snow crab embryos and larvae Read More »

Evaluating environmental controls on the exoskeleton density of larval Dungeness crab <em>via</em> micro computed tomography

Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) have significant socioeconomic value, but are threatened by ocean acidification (OA) and other environmental stressors that are driven by climate change. Despite evidence that adult harvests are sensitive to the abundance of larval populations, relatively little is known about how Dungeness megalopae will respond to these stressors. Here we evaluate the

Evaluating environmental controls on the exoskeleton density of larval Dungeness crab <em>via</em> micro computed tomography Read More »

Pelagic calcifiers face increased mortality and habitat loss with warming and ocean acidification

Global change is impacting the oceans in an unprecedented way, and multiple lines of evidence suggest that species distributions are changing in space and time. There is increasing evidence that multiple environmental stressors act together to constrain species habitat more than expected from warming alone. Here, we conducted a comprehensive study of how temperature and

Pelagic calcifiers face increased mortality and habitat loss with warming and ocean acidification Read More »

Global Synthesis of the Status and Trends of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Shelled Pteropods

The accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean has major ecological, socioeconomic, and biogeochemical impacts, with repercussions for the ocean as a critical carbon sink. Ocean acidification (OA) disproportionately affects marine calcifiers, among which pelagic zooplanktonic pteropods play a significant role in carbonate export. The pteropod, due to the susceptibility of its aragonite shell to rapid

Global Synthesis of the Status and Trends of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Shelled Pteropods Read More »

Dysregulation of microRNAs may contribute to neurosensory impairment in Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) following CO2 exposure

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are epigenetic markers with a key role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Several studies have described the dysregulation of miRNAs in temperature and hypoxic stress responses of marine organisms, but their role in the response to acidification conditions has remained relatively underexplored. We investigated the differential expression of miRNAs in whole brain tissue of

Dysregulation of microRNAs may contribute to neurosensory impairment in Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) following CO2 exposure Read More »

Can Seasonal Forecasts of Ocean Conditions Aid Fishery Managers? Experiences from 10 Years of J-SCOPE

Multiple stressors co-occurring in coastal waters are of increasing concern to local fisheries. Many economically, culturally, or ecologically important species (e.g., oysters, crabs, pteropods) in the Pacific Northwest are already directly affected by ocean acidification (OA), warming, and hypoxia. Additional indirect economic impacts on the finfish industry are possible due to losses of prey species. Because

Can Seasonal Forecasts of Ocean Conditions Aid Fishery Managers? Experiences from 10 Years of J-SCOPE Read More »


The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) works to prepare society to adapt to the consequences of ocean acidification and conserve marine ecosystems as acidification occurs. Learn more about the human connections and adaptation strategies from these efforts.

Adaptation approaches fostered by the OAP include:


Using models and research to understand the sensitivity of organisms and ecosystems to ocean acidification to make predictions about the future, allowing communities and industries to prepare


Using these models and predictions as tools to facilitate management strategies that will protect marine resources and communities from future changes


Developing innovative tools to help monitor ocean acidification and mitigate changing ocean chemistry locally


On the Road

Drive fuel-efficient vehicles or choose public transportation. Choose your bike or walk! Don't sit idle for more than 30 seconds. Keep your tires properly inflated.

With your Food Choices

Eat local- this helps cut down on production and transport! Reduce your meat and dairy. Compost to avoid food waste ending up in the landfill

With your Food Choices

Make energy-efficient choices for your appliances and lighting. Heat and cool efficiently! Change your air filters and program your thermostat, seal and insulate your home, and support clean energy sources

By Reducing Coastal Acidification

Reduce your use of fertilizers, Improve sewage treatment and run off, and Protect and restore coastal habitats


You've taken the first step to learn more about ocean acidification - why not spread this knowledge to your community?

Every community has their unique culture, economy and ecology and what’s at stake from ocean acidification may be different depending on where you live.  As a community member, you can take a larger role in educating the public about ocean acidification. Creating awareness is the first step to taking action.  As communities gain traction, neighboring regions that share marine resources can build larger coalitions to address ocean acidification.  Here are some ideas to get started:

  1. Work with informal educators, such as aquarium outreach programs and local non-profits, to teach the public about ocean acidification. Visit our Education & Outreach page to find the newest tools!
  2. Participate in habitat restoration efforts to restore habitats that help mitigate the effects of coastal acidification
  3. Facilitate conversations with local businesses that might be affected by ocean acidification, building a plan for the future.
  4. Partner with local community efforts to mitigate the driver behind ocean acidification  – excess CO2 – such as community supported agriculture, bike & car shares and other public transportation options.
  5. Contact your regional Coastal Acidification Network (CAN) to learn how OA is affecting your region and more ideas about how you can get involved in your community
       More for Taking Community Action