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A research training opportunity is available at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development (ORD), Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA), Pacific Ecological Systems Division (PESD) in Newport, Oregon. The research participant will participate in a research project focused on assessing the role of land-based drivers...
The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System is seeking to fund projects which advance new or existing solutions that address long standing and emerging coastal modeling and forecast product development challenges. This announcement specifically funds activities needed to progress through the transitional stages from research toward full operations (such as system integration, testing,...
LETTERS OF INTENT DUE DECEMBER 15th, 2020 NOAA’s National Sea Grant Office and Ocean Acidification Program provided an overview & answers to FAQs for the recently announced funding opportunity to understand how acidification and other stressors will impact shellfish aquaculture on November 9th at 2pm EST (11amPST). A recording and...
The Ocean Acidification Program and National Sea Grant Office are now accepting letters of intent for projects to bolster understanding of how acidification and other stressors will impact shellfish aquaculture by seeking applications that establish, continue, and/or expand collaborations between researchers and the shellfish aquaculture industry. Letters of intent are...
8.1. The current average pH of the ocean after being reduced significantly from decades of rampant carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere, and ultimately, absorbed by our ocean. But how is pH measured? If a citizen scientist wants to see this for themselves, is it possible? Measuring ocean pH...
NOAA PMEL Sustained Seasonal Forecasts of Ocean Acidification in the Bering Sea Why we careAlaskan ocean waters are highly vulnerable to ocean acidification (OA) due to the naturally cold, poorly buffered waters and ocean circulation patterns. This vulnerability means that a relatively small amount of anthropogenic CO2 can cause corrosivity...