Partner: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- PI(s): Marjy Friedrichs, VIMS
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Coastal acidification and its associated co-stressors present a serious and credible threat to the success of both oyster aquaculture and restoration in the Chesapeake Bay. Recent research provides a clearer understanding..
- PI(s): Marjy Friedrichs
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2018
- Grant Award # NA18OAR0170430
- Partners: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Acidification in brackish estuarine environments, such as the Chesapeake Bay, is intensified by coastal inputs such as runoff, atmospheric pollution and freshwater sources. The Chesapeake Bay is home to commercial..
- PI(s): Emily Rivest, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2018
- Grant Award # NA18NOS4780177
- Partners: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), such as eelgrass, could mitigate the harmful impacts of ocean acidification on Eastern oysters by reducing the acidity of waters where oysters grow. These..