Partner: Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Understanding CO2 effects on Dungeness crab: population variability, temperature interactions, calcification process, and carbonate sensitivity Why we careDungeness crabs support the most valuable fishery on the U.S. West Coast. Previous..
Resiliency and sensitivity of marine fish to elevated CO2: osmoregulatory neurosensory behavioral and metabolic responses in salmon and sablefish Why we care
Elevated levels of marine carbon dioxide can..
Elevated levels of marine carbon dioxide can..
We will examine the effects of OA conditions (elevated pCO2) on the adaptive response of a potentially vulnerable native marine mollusc species with ecological, economic and social importance in the..
Assessing a species’ risk to ocean acidification (OA) will depend on their duration of exposure to low pH/low saturation state conditions and their sensitivity to low pH conditions. Lab species..
Ecosystem models are used to estimate the potential direct and indirect effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine resources. The population abundance and distribution of species that are sensitive to..
Species exposure experiments that measure the response of organisms reared in seawater with manipulated carbonate chemistry are an important way to learn about the potential effects of ocean acidification (OA)...