Tag: scallops
- Meliza Le-Alvarado,Alfonsina E. Romo-Curiel,Oscar Sosa-Nishizaki,Oscar Hernández-Sánchez,Leticia Barbero,Sharon Z. Herzka
- PLOS One
- February 24, 2021
Citation: Le-Alvarado M, Romo-Curiel AE, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Hernández-Sánchez O, Barbero L, Herzka SZ (2021) Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) foraging habitat and trophic position in the Gulf of Mexico based on intrinsic isotope tracers. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246082. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0246082
- John A. Barth, Stephen D. Pierce, Brendan R. Carter, Francis Chan, Anatoli Y. Erofeev, Jennifer L. Fisher, Richard A. Feely, Kym C. Jacobson, Aimee A. Keller, Cheryl A. Morgan, John E. Pohl, Leif K. Rasmuson, Victor Simon
- Scientific Reports
- February 15, 2024
Citation: Barth, J.A., Pierce, S.D., Carter, B.R. et al. Widespread and increasing near-bottom hypoxia in the coastal ocean off the United States Pacific Northwest. Sci Rep 14, 3798 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-54476-0
Partially funded by the following grants:
#NA18NOS4780169, #NA22NOS4780171, #NA16NOS0120019, #NA20OAR4320271
Partially funded by the following grants:
#NA18NOS4780169, #NA22NOS4780171, #NA16NOS0120019, #NA20OAR4320271
- Liang Xue, Wei-Jun Cai, Li-Qing Jiang, Qinsheng Wei
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- June 16, 2021
Citation: Xue, L., Cai, W.-J., Jiang, L.-Q., & Wei, Q. (2021). Why are surface ocean pH and CaCO3 saturation state often out of phase in spatial patterns and seasonal cycles? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35, e2021GB006949. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GB006949
- Wenfei Ni and Ming Li
- Science of the Total Environment
- December 5, 2022
Citation: Ni, Wenfei, and Ming Li. “What drove the nonlinear hypoxia response to nutrient loading in Chesapeake Bay during the 20th century?.” Science of The Total Environment 861 (2023): 160650
NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (NOAA-OAP; Award NA15NOS4780184)
- A. Moore, H. Arango, J. Wilkin, and C.A. Edwards
- Ocean Modelling
- September 13, 2023
Citation: Moore, A., Arango, H., Wilkin, J. and Edwards, C.A., (2023), Weak Constraint 4D-Var Data Assimilation in ROMS using a Saddle-
Point Algorithm: Application to the California Current Circulation. Ocean Modelling, p.102262,
- S L Hamilton, E G Kennedy, M Zulian, T M Hill, B Gaylord, E Sanford, A M Ricart, M Ward, A K Spalding, K Kroeker
- ICES Journal of Marine Science
- July 26, 2023
Citation: S L Hamilton, E G Kennedy, M Zulian, T M Hill, B Gaylord, E Sanford, A M Ricart, M Ward, A K Spalding, K Kroeker, Variable exposure to multiple climate stressors across the California marine protected area network and policy implications, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 80, Issue 7, September 2023, Pages 1923–1935, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsad120