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- PI(s): Joe Salisbury
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
This project will expand the quantity and quality of ocean acidification (OA) monitoring across Northeastern U.S. coastal waters. The new OA data and incorporation of the world’s first commercial total..
- PI(s): Jan Newton
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
Working across four IOOS Regional Associations in partnership with the shellfish industry and other groups affected by ocean acidification (OA), our proposal is divided into four tasks that continue the..
- PI(s): Jeremy Testa
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
- Grant Award # NEFSC FY2015-FY2017 ECM
- Publication(s):
The objective of this project is to make significant strides in bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and current management needs by integrating existing biogeochemical model frameworks, field measurements, and..
- PI(s): Paul Montagna
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
Humans have had a significant influence on estuaries through land use change and increased use of fertilizers, causing proliferation of algal blooms, hypoxia, and presence of harmful microbes. Now, acidification due..
- PI(s): James McWilliams
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
The California Current System (CCS) is one of the most biologically productive regions of the world ocean, but seasonal upwelling of low oxygen and low-pH waters makes it particularly vulnerable..
- PI(s): Dianna Padilla, Lisa Milke, Shannon Meseck
- Fiscal Year Funded: 2016
We are likely to see "winners", those species or individuals that are most resilient in the face of climate change, and "losers" those species or individuals that are least capable..