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Category: OA News

NOAA Climate Vulnerability Webinar Series launches September 23, 2024 at 3:30pm ET. The focus of this webinar is East Coast fisheries adaptation. Featured here is an image of Atlantic Sea Scallops (Credit: NEFSC)
OA News

Launching NOAA Climate Vulnerability Webinar Series

NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, National Sea Grant, and Climate and Fisheries Adaptation Program announce the first webinar in a Climate Vulnerability webinar series on September 23 at 3:30pm ET. Climate vulnerability assessments examine the impact of changing ocean conditions on affected human communities. These projects, funded by the host NOAA

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OA News

IWG-OA to Host Acidification & Estuaries Webinar Series

The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification is hosting a three-part webinar series this fall on acidification and estuaries. Their goal is to bring together researchers, resource managers, industry leaders, and other interested community members to discuss the most important research gaps around acidification in estuaries for the federal government

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OA News

New Resources for Applicants, Grantees

Are you looking for guidance on the federal grant application process? We have new resources that will help you navigate through the federal grant application process. The Department of Commerce has transitioned their grants management program from Grants Online to eRA Commons. Applying for a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

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Fishing vessels from the Fishermen's Dock Cooperative ply the waters of the New York Bight for fluke, hake, squid, and scallops. Credit: Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean
OA News

Coastal Acidification Networks declare OARS Commitment

The Coastal Acidification Networks (CANs) collectively submitted a Commitment to the international Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS) Programme in May 2024. OARS, a UN Ocean Decade supported program, is dedicated to minimizing and addressing the impacts of ocean acidification through enhanced cooperation at all levels and is aligned with

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In July 2023, the inaugural cohort of the eeBLUE Young Changemakers Fellowship gathered for a kick-off summit in Washington, D.C. Through the Young Changemakers Fellowship, these students had the opportunity to create impact through leading local action projects as well as sharing their perspectives with NOAA leadership, including NOAA Administrator Dr. Rick Spinrad (right)
Job Postings

Student opportunity – young changemakers fellowship

NOAA is pleased to announce the launch of the NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship application for the 2024-2025 school year. This program is designed for current high school students who are passionate about the environment, climate, ocean, Great Lakes, and/or coasts. Program participants receive mentorship, skill-building opportunities, and financial resources to design and lead an action project

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NOAA ship in background during the West Coast Ocean Acidification research cruise with a mooring measuring ocean chemistry in the foreground. Credit: NOAA
Carbon Dioxide Removal

Two ocean acidification key national accomplishments named

Major actions for the Ocean Climate Action Plan The Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP), released by the Biden-Harris Administration in March 2023, serves  as a roadmap for taking ambitious actions on ocean climate priorities. Within the OCAP, marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) is a main theme under the goal of

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NOAA OAP’s 2023 Accomplishments

NOAA OAP selects, funds, and manages high priority, high-quality research, monitoring, and outreach activities to understand how fast the acidification is changing, and impacts these changes have on marine life, people, and economies. Check out some of the 2023 accomplishment highlights.

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OAP Recognizes OA Day of Action With New Resources

Today is January 8th marking a global “OA Day of Action” started by the Ocean Foundation to increase ocean acidification awareness and recognize 8.1, the current global average pH of the ocean. To recognize this day, NOAA OAP is proud to be launch an ocean acidification communications project with the Aquarium Conservation

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A vibrant coral reef is the background for the United States Ocean Acidification Action Plan, released December 10, 2023 at COP28

U. S. Ocean Acidification Action Plan Released

A Roadmap for the other National Ocean Acidification Action Plans The United States released the U.S. Ocean Acidification (OA) Action Plan during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) on December 10, 2023. This side event was co-hosted by NOAA Ocean Acidification Program, U.S. Department of State, and International Alliance

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The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) works to prepare society to adapt to the consequences of ocean acidification and conserve marine ecosystems as acidification occurs. Learn more about the human connections and adaptation strategies from these efforts.

Adaptation approaches fostered by the OAP include:


Using models and research to understand the sensitivity of organisms and ecosystems to ocean acidification to make predictions about the future, allowing communities and industries to prepare


Using these models and predictions as tools to facilitate management strategies that will protect marine resources and communities from future changes


Developing innovative tools to help monitor ocean acidification and mitigate changing ocean chemistry locally


On the Road

Drive fuel-efficient vehicles or choose public transportation. Choose your bike or walk! Don't sit idle for more than 30 seconds. Keep your tires properly inflated.

With your Food Choices

Eat local- this helps cut down on production and transport! Reduce your meat and dairy. Compost to avoid food waste ending up in the landfill

With your Food Choices

Make energy-efficient choices for your appliances and lighting. Heat and cool efficiently! Change your air filters and program your thermostat, seal and insulate your home, and support clean energy sources

By Reducing Coastal Acidification

Reduce your use of fertilizers, Improve sewage treatment and run off, and Protect and restore coastal habitats


You've taken the first step to learn more about ocean acidification - why not spread this knowledge to your community?

Every community has their unique culture, economy and ecology and what’s at stake from ocean acidification may be different depending on where you live.  As a community member, you can take a larger role in educating the public about ocean acidification. Creating awareness is the first step to taking action.  As communities gain traction, neighboring regions that share marine resources can build larger coalitions to address ocean acidification.  Here are some ideas to get started:

  1. Work with informal educators, such as aquarium outreach programs and local non-profits, to teach the public about ocean acidification. Visit our Education & Outreach page to find the newest tools!
  2. Participate in habitat restoration efforts to restore habitats that help mitigate the effects of coastal acidification
  3. Facilitate conversations with local businesses that might be affected by ocean acidification, building a plan for the future.
  4. Partner with local community efforts to mitigate the driver behind ocean acidification  – excess CO2 – such as community supported agriculture, bike & car shares and other public transportation options.
  5. Contact your regional Coastal Acidification Network (CAN) to learn how OA is affecting your region and more ideas about how you can get involved in your community
       More for Taking Community Action